Santa Monica & Venice Beach
Location Santa Monica & Venice BeachDistance Walked
10kmDates 28th of November 2017
One day. Just one day was all that we had to enjoy the beauty that Santa Monica and Venice Beach had to offer. We left Hollywood (see blog here) bright and early to grab an Uber to Venice Beach. The traffic was pretty bad, but luckily our driver was a legend and scooted in and out the back streets.
We stayed in a backpackers hostel right on the beach called the Samesun Venice Beach. Our room even had water views!Venice BeachDaylight was burning (even though it was only 8am) we had to get out and make the most of our day. So we headed out to grab some breakfast, at the one cafe that was open.
We wandered along the beach for a little while before deciding to rent a bike and go for a ride. I grabbed the handle bars feeling a little hesitant, as it had been a while since I'd ridden a bike. Sun on my back, wind in my hair, and we were off. The weather was hot and super sunny, but coupled with the refreshing breeze mother nature exhaled off the water, it was perfect.We cycled down to Santa Monica Pier, and then back to Muscle Beach. Sadly, no Arnie - maybe next time!Yes mum, I wore sunscreen - no mum, I didn't get sunburned.
The CanalsWe visited the "Venice Canals", which is a series of canals woven thorough a few of the streets in Venice Beach. It's was a really nice, quiet spot to go for a walk. Not to mention a lot of people walk their dogs around here (free pats).
Santa Monica PierWe got dropped at Santa Monica Promenade and wandered down through the shops to Santa Monica Pier just in time for the sunset. The horizon was on fire with reds and yellows, and faded over the clouds into pink and purple.We wandered further down the pier and went for numerous rides on the rollercoaster and the ferris wheel, before spending waaay too much money in the arcade (always worth it).
What an action packed day with perfect weather and the perfect company.
Next Stop San Francisco!